In the first installment of this series on playing healthy pickleball, we focused on developing a healthy body and a pregame routine that improves your play and reduces the occurrence of injuries. In Part Two, we examined how to deal with injury recovery and mobility issues.
Beyond preparing your body to play its best, it’s also important to be mindful of why we play this game at all. Yes, you guessed it. It’s to crush your opponents and destroy their will to compete as you dominate and strut around the court.
Okay, that can be fun…
But if you are of a certain age, other things tend to become more important. Even if you’re a younger player, the long-term health benefits of playing pickleball still apply.
Here are some compelling physical and mental health benefits of playing pickleball. There’s some stuff from folks with PhD’s. I’m sure I know more than they do but I guess they went to “school” and are “smart”. Just remember, I’m a PhD too (Pretty happy Dude), so who do you really trust?
Beyond these benefits, pickleball is just plain fun. I still hear more laughter coming from a pickleball court than from any other sport I have encountered. The blend of camaraderie and competition fills our days with connection and challenge. It’s no wonder that so many of us have fallen in love with this sport, especially if the sports we used to play are no longer options.
This series about playing healthy pickleball isn’t just about our physical well-being. It’s about the physical-mental-emotional pillars that support a rich and meaningful life. When we can compete with a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to play a game with our friends in this often-difficult world, we find health in its fullest sense.