If there are any questions we haven’t answered please let us know so that we can add it to our list of FAQs.
What Size is a Pickleball Court?
Pickleball Court Dimensions: A pickleball court is the same size as a doubles badminton court: 20 feet wide (6.1 m) and 44 feet long (13.4 m) for both singles pickleball and doubles matches.
Pickleball Court Specs:
The total playing area (including space around the court) should be a minimum of 30 feet wide (9.1 m) and 60 feet long (18.3 m). A total area of 34 by 64 feet is preferred to give enough space around the court. The court lines should be 2 inches (5.1 cm) in width and clearly contrasting with the color of the court surface. Court measurements are made to the outside of the lines. Click here to see how to make a simple home pickleball court in 5 mins with tape or chalk.
How High is a Pickleball Net?

Pickleball nets have a height of 36 inches at the sidelines and 34 inches high in the middle. A center support or post may be used to maintain the height of 34″ at the center of the court.
The top of the net should be covered with a 2 inch (5 cm) wide white binding over the net cord. The net posts should be at least one foot outside the sidelines.
Why is it Called Pickleball?
One of the most common questions we get asked, especially from people that are just hearing about pickleball for the first time is: “Where did the name pickleball come from?” So we wrote a whole article on it if you want to check it out: Pickleball Name Origin: Boat vs Dog – You decide.
We have heard two theories on the origins of the name:
- The mix of different sports (tennis, badminton and ping pong) reminded one of the creators of Pickleball of a “pickle boat” in crew that is made up of leftover oarsmen from other boats. **
- According to one of the game’s creators, the game was named after the Pritchards’ dog “Pickles”, who would chase the ball around and interrupt the game.
**This apparently is the correct answer since they did not have the dog “Pickles” when they first started playing the game.**
Who Invented Pickleball?

Congressman Joel Pritchard, Bill Bell and Barney McCallum invented the game of pickleball in the summer of in 1965 on Bainbridge Island, WA. Legend has it the kids were bored so the dads invented the new sport by piecing together the equipment from three sports: some old ping-pong paddles, a whiffle ball and a badminton net. For a more detailed explanation of the origin and history of pickleball click here.
Who Plays Pickleball?
Currently, the USAPA has almost 19,000 members (325% increase over the past 36 months).
For more general pickleball participation in the United States, the following information was extracted from the 2016 Pickleball Single Sport Participation Report of the Sports & Fitness Industry Association (SFIA).
Here are some interesting facts from the report:
- 1.57 million were “Casual” participants who play 1-7 times a year
- 930,000 were “Core” participants who play 8 or more times a year
- The rate of growth in participation from 2014 to 2015 was 1.8%, from 2.462 million to 2.506 million (Note: this growth rate is likely underestimated since 2014 was the first year for including pickleball in the SFIA report and the base number is open to question)
- Comparing Casual and Core participants:
- Casual players: 63% male and 37% female
- Core players: 73% male and 27% female
- The age breakdown for Casual and Core are very different… with Core players being, on average, significantly older
- ages 6-17: Casual 18.5%; Core 0.8%
- ages 18-34: Casual 11.7%; Core 5.5%
- ages 35-54: Casual 29.4%; Core 19.2%
- ages 55-64: Casual 7.7%; Core 31.8%
- age 65+: Casual 5.4%; Core 42.7%
- 13% of Casual participants and 75% of Core participants are age 55 and older
- The 2.5 million total participants represent 0.9% of the US population.
Where is Pickleball Played the Most?
Regions of the US were Pickleball is played the most:
- Pacific (CA, OR, WA) = 263,000
- East North Central (WI, MI, IL, OH, IN) = 200,000
- South Atlantic (FL, GA, SC, NC, VA, WV, DC) = 174,00
What is the Average Age of Pickleball Players?
How Many People Play Pickleball in the US?
In 2016 there were 2.5 million participants in the US which represents 0.9% of the population. Approximately 1 out of every 111 people in the US play Pickleball…and the number is rising.
Where Can I Find a Local Court to Play pickleball?
Since 2010, the number of places to play Pickleball has grown from under a 1,000 to over 5,000 (April 2017). To find a local court click here to use the Places to Play directory and interactive map provided by the USAPA. For players in the UK, you can check our Interactive UK Pickleball Map here.
Pickleball Tournaments Near Me?
Here is a list of USAPA Upcoming and Recently Completed Tournaments and another list by pickleballtournaments.com.
If you are organizing a local pickleball tournament, check out our tips here for planning a successful event.
Here is another list to look over upcoming Pickleball Events.
When was Pickleball Invented?
Where did pickleball originate?
The inventors of the game, the family of U.S. Congressman Joel Pritchard, Bill Bell, and Barney McCallum who spent their summers on Bainbridge Island near Seattle.
Story has it, the kids were bored one day so the dads came up with a new sport using a whiffle ball, ping pong paddles and an old badminton court that was on the Prichard’s property. The game evolved from there and the adults soon got more hooked that the kids.
What is the Purpose of the Double Bounce Rule in pickleball?
The double-bounce rule {or two bounce rule }states that each team must let the ball bounce on their first shot, so the serve must bounce on the other side of the net and the return of serve must also bounce before playing it. The idea is to avoid quick smash returns of serve or approaching right after the server to extend the rallies in Pickleball.
For a more detailed explanation of the Double Bounce Rule click here.
For more questions and answers on definitions and slang used on the court see our list of Pickleball Terminology
Is Pickleball an Olympic Sport?
Baseball, softball, surfing, karate, sports climbing and skateboarding have been added for the 2020 Summer Olympics. So it could be added eventually. 2024? …2028?
Although the sport is growing both in the US and Internationally, it has a long way to go before being considered. According to the Olympic charter, an Olympic sport must be practiced by women in at least 40 countries across 3 continents and men in at least 75 countries on 4 continents to be under consideration. Click here for a more detailed article on what it would take for pickleball to become an Olympic sport.
Can you Play Pickle Ball on Grass?
Although we’ve seen some people play around in yards, you really need a solid outdoor surface (asphalt or concrete) or indoor hard court made of wood or other appropriate material (badminton, volleyball court).
Same goes for SAND. I’ve seen people playing with pickleball paddles on the beach but the same. I’d call that Kadima with pickleball paddles…
What is a Let Serve in Pickleball?
Basic Rules of Pickleball. The serve must be hit underhand and each team must play the first shot off the bounce. After the ball has bounced once on each side, both teams can either volley the ball in the air or play it off the bounce. To volley a ball means to hit it in the air without letting the ball bounce.
How Do You Score a Point in Pickleball?
In Pickleball, you only score points when your team serves. This is why you hear players (or referees in tournaments call “side-out”, like in volleyball.
Normally games are played to 11 (win by two). Some tournaments are played to 15 or 21. Points are played until one team commits a fault and points only go to the serving team.
The 3rd number in the score indicates if it is the serving team’s 1st or 2nd chance to serve. Score at the tart of game is “0-0-Start” because the first team to serve a game only gets 1 chance to serve. When they lose the point, serve passes to other team.
What are the Rules of PickleBall?
For a summary of the official Pickleball rules, click here.
Why is there Non-Volley Zone in Pickleball?
The No-Volley Zone (AKA “Kitchen” or NVZ) prevents players from smashing the ball midair at the net. Players can only volley behind the 7-foot area. The rule is designed to extend rallies.
What’s the difference between a Pickleball Ball and a Wiffle Ball?
They are both made of hard plastic and the size is almost identical (just under 3 inches diameter). Pickleball balls are slightly heavier than a whiffle ball (average .88 oz vs .7 Oz).
Holes on a pickleball are round and evenly spaced around the ball whereas the whiffle ball has 8 oblong holes on one side of the ball.
How many holes does a Pickleball Ball have?

Official pickleball balls can have a minimum of 26 to a maximum of 40 circular holes. Most outdoor balls have 40 holes, indoor balls usually have 26 although there is no set number for indoor vs. outdoor balls. Som are made with a different number of holes, like the P7 that has 32. The hole spacing and ball design must be done so the ball flies straight. A manufacturer’s name or logo must be on the outside of the ball.
To learn more about the different pickleball balls on the market click here.
What are the maximum dimensions of a pickleball paddle?
The combined width and length of a USAPA approved pickleball paddle (including an edge guard and butt cap) cannot exceed 24 inches (60.96 cm).
Pickleball equipment manufacturers can modify the width and length of the paddle face as long as they stay within the 24 maximum.
The most common pickleball paddle dimensions measure approximately 8″ wide by 15¾” long (20.3 cm by 40 cm) although there are other paddle shapes, such as the “elongated” or “blade” style paddles that have a longer and narrower shape. There is currently no restriction on paddle thickness.
Is Pickleball the Fastest Growing Sport in America?
According to many people “yes” but it’s a complicated answer, see below for a more complete answer.
What is the Fastest Growing Sport in the United States?
It’s tough to get a straight answer on this one. In 2014 multiple articles were written stating that “Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in America”.
It depends if you look at the number of new members added year over year, percentage increase, etc. Another factor is what actually counts as a “player”. It is a casual player who plays a few times a year, a certain number of times a year, is a member of an association, etc.
We really don’t want to get deep into the discussion of what is definitively the fastest growing sport in the US. We’ve read that in 2016 Lacrosse was actually America’s Fastest-Growing Sport among high school sports but also read that rugby was the fastest growing team sport overall in the US that same year based on % increase of active players.
Regardless of the title of the “Fastest Growing Sport in the US“, we can confidently say, based on the numbers, that Pickleball is a fast growing sport both in the US and internationally.
How many calories do you burn playing pickleball?
A 160-pound adult can burn about 250 calories playing pickleball for 30 minutes of casual play (a 200 lb adult would burn about 350 calories). During a more aggressive, competitive game the same players could burn 350 and 475 calories playing pickleball for 30 mins (160lb vs 200lb adult).
This higher calorie range would be a more intense game with lots of stop-and-start action and very short rest time between serves. Calorie calculations are rough estimates and would greatly depend on the pace of play.
How many steps do you take playing pickleball per hour?
We’ve tested with a FitBit and racked up about 7,000 steps playing pickleball for about 90 minutes. Against more competitive opponents we got up over 10,000 steps in about the same amount of time. With any digital pedometer, I think the number of pickleball steps is going to be a rough estimate: the start and stop action, lateral steps, split steps/hops won’t always register as steps (or might be counted twice).
Regardless of the exact number of steps, we took thousands of steps, pickleball is definitely a good way to get moving and keep in shape!
If you’re interested, check out our in-depth article here to find out the health benefits of pickleball.
What distance do you move in miles while playing pickleball?
At the 2017 US Open Pickleball Championship, some volunteers wore a Fitbit. Some of the Pro players registered steps that were the equivalent of over 13 miles- that’s the same as a half marathon!! This is an extreme example, these were professional pickleball players playing a full tourney day with several games back to back. But it is a great testament to the sport and proves the naysayers wrong who say it’s not a physically demanding sport!
Pickleball Ball Size:
An official ball should weigh between .78 and .935 ounces (22-26.5 grams) and have a diameter between 2.784 and 2.972 inches (73-75.5 cm).
What is the difference between pickleball and paddleball (platform tennis)?

With so many racket sports, people that have never played often confuse them. Although some people refer to it as “paddleball,” the sport is really called platform tennis. It is also called paddle tennis or just “paddle”.
The court measures 44’ x 20’ and is centered on a raised deck measuring 60’ x 30’ deck. The court is surrounded by a 12′ high structure, 16-gauge “chicken wire” fencing. Players can play off the walls similar to squash and racquetball.
The paddles are made of composite material, the face of the paddle has aerodynamic holes drilled in the head. The ball is rubber.
Platform tennis vs pickleball:
Although both platform tennis and pickleball are played on a 44’x20′ court there are very few similarities. Platform tennis uses tennis style scoring (Love, 15,30,45) and “Deuce” when the score is tied. Although both sports only allow one serve attempts (compared to two in tennis), the serve in paddle can be overhand whereas pickleball serves must be delivered underhand.
If you want to find out more about the differences between Pickleball vs Paddleball (and Padel) click here.
How long do pickleball paddles last?
A competitive player will replace their paddles (due to wear and tear) about once a year, although any of them switch even earlier if they get new paddles from their sponsors so they don’t even use them one year. Average recreational players should get about 2-3 years out of graphite or composite paddles.
Beginner wood paddles, in theory, could last 10 years, however, because these are often used at camps, schools and other high-volume venues, they tend to be more abused and suffer more wear and tear so after a few years can look pretty beat up.
So there is no exact answer here…but most of our readers are frequent recreational players with graphite or composite paddles- they should average about 2 years of use per paddle. Often times players will replace their paddle and keep it as a backup for tournaments where it’s good to have a spare paddle.
Another way to increase the life of the paddle is to change the paddle grip. Often times beginner players think that a worn paddle grip that has lost its cushion is a reason to toss it- but a good replacement paddle grip can breath new life into a used paddle.
Difference Between Tennis Court and Pickleball Court?
I’ve heard some people (that have never played) say that pickleball is a “small tennis court game”.
Although at first glance, a pickleball court does resemble a tennis court there are several important differences.
A more appropriate comparison would be badminton-sized court since the two sports share a court of the same dimensions.
Tennis Court Dimensions vs. Pickleball Court Dimensions
Tennis Court: Doubles court is 78 feet x 36 feet wide. Singles match, the court’s width is 27 ft (without the doubles alleys).
Pickleball Court: 44 feet long by 20 feet wide.
If strategically built, you can fit four pickleball courts in the same area as one tennis court.

Click here to see how to make a simple home court in 5 minutes with chalk or tape.
The next major difference is that the tennis court has a doubles alley (4.5 ft wide on either side whereas there is no doubles alley in Pickleball since doubles and singles play are played on the same court.
The pickleball court has a No Volley Zone (NVZ), also called the “Kitchen” that measuring 7 feet deep on either side of the net followed by the service boxes each measuring 10×15 feet. One way to think of it is from the net to the baseline is flipped on a pickleball court, compared to a tennis court that has the service boxes flush to the net with the
Source: USAPA.org
Source: tenniscompanion.org
Is it called a pickleball racket or pickleball paddle?
Although many newcomers to the sport call it a racket, especially converts or crossover players of other racquet sports like tennis, the weapon of choice is called a pickleball paddle, not pickleball racket or racquet. We had a little fun digging into history of the two terms here, where we also went into the debate of Pickle-ball vs Pickleball.
Of course, most people will understand since it’s pretty obvious what we are talking about but it’s better to switch and call it a paddle to avoid confusion. Also if you are searching for info to improve your skills or looking to buy gear, you’ll get many more results (and more accurate information) if you search on the correct term.
Just as an example the google search term “where to buy pickleball paddles” has more than twice the search results as “where to buy pickleball rackets”.
If you have any other questions you think we should include here, please leave us a comment below.
Falling into no volley zone player slides out with both knees on floor and returns a volley. Not having regained his feet on the court is this a fault.
Hi Sam,
Thanks for the question.
Assuming he slid completely off the court and out of the NVZ, as long as he is totally out and both feet come into contact with the floor I would call it legal.
It’s a bit of a grey area- the rule book doesn’t say it has to be the soles of your feet. If he was on his knees, assuming the tops of his feet were both in contact with the floor
it would be legal. Tough without seeing exactly what happened on the play- how his feet were. Here is the part of the rule book to refer to.
Rule: 9.D.
If a player has touched the non-volley zone for any reason, that player cannot volley the return until both feet have made contact with the playing surface completely outside the non-volley zone.
Hi Matt. Question
I hit a volley outside the NVZ for a winner, th ball then bounced twice, thus ending the point, but my momentum carried me into the NVZ after the 2nd bounce. Is that a fault,? Or did I win the point? Richard from Redding, Ca
In the winter we play indoors – 4 courts in a school gym. As you can imagine, balls from one court are often invading adjacent ones. Is there a rule for this? We usually call the rally dead if another courts ball invades ours. Unfortunately, some players take advantage of this. What’s the rule if any?
Hi Don,
I’m not aware of any official rule on this, but as you say it is a common issue in recreational play.
We always yell “Ball on Court” and play stops. If everyone in the club agrees it works well.
Player that hits the ball towards another court yells it out loud to warn them and the players on that court stop playing.
Does color play a role in the brand you choose?
Hi Sue,
Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment.
Sorry, I’m not completely sure what you’re referring to on this page- the color of the paddle or colored pickleballs?
Let me know if I can help.
Color of the pickleball does not matter but you want a color that does not clash with the court.
See article here: https://masspickleballguide.com/equipment/pickleball-ball-color-picker/
It helps you chose the best pickleball color and the most popular as well!
We want to plat pickleball at a resort that has only artificial grass turf tennis courts. Will it harm our paddles to play with a tennis ball as a pickleball will not bounce on turf? (Yes, we’re aware that this would not really be playing “pickleball,” but we’d like to improvise since it’s vacation)
Hi Sue,
I think the weight of the tennis ball and repeated impact might put stress on your pickleball paddle especially at the throat (where the paddle face and the handle meet).
You might want to try with foam practice tennis balls that would lighter, there are a few brands that make them (Gamma, etc).
If a ball goes over the net then back across the net because of the spin, whose point is it? The opponent did not touch it.
Hi Julie,
Good question. Point goes to the person who hit the ball, even though the opponent didn’t touch it.
There is one interesting additional rule in this scenario that allows the opponent to reach over the net to hit it (as long as they don’t touch the net).
Here is the specific rule taking from the Official IFP Tournament Rulebook (International Federation of Pickleball)
Rule #12.J.4:
If a player hits the ball over the net into the opponent’s court, and then the ball bounces back over the net without being touched by the opponent, the striking player wins the rally.
Rule #12.J.3:
If the ball bounces into a player’s non-volley zone with enough backspin as to cause it to return back over the net, that player may reach over the net to hit the ball but may not touch the net…
Hope that helps.
If the opponent hits the ball and it is out. Your partner calls out but you play it anyway, is the ball in play or does the play end?
How often should we replace our pickleballs?
Hi Cathy,
The frequency of replacing pickleballs depends on a few factors:
1) How hard you hit the ball/how intensely you play
2) Conditions (direct sun UV rays, changes in temp, roughness of the court) will all have an impact as well as the brand of ball.
Indoor balls last longer than outdoor (since not exposed to weather and indoor courts are more forgiving than rough outdoor courts).
But in general you want to replace them anytime they are starting to “go out of round”, so if you can visually see that they are no longer perfectly round or if they no longer fly straight (hit it directly up in the air without any wind and see if it comes down in a straight line). Obviously if they are cracked you want to replace them. Hope that helps, for more info see our Ball Buyers Guide here.
I have some neuropathy in my feet- would love to try Pickleball but not sure- I can walk on a hard surface fine. I just can’t do a whole line of distance running back-and-forth easily.
Hi Melissa,
Thanks for taking the time to leave your comment.
Really interesting timing, another of our readers just left a comment today that they have neuropathy in their feet (as well as some other health issues) and have been playing for about 6 months.
Click here to check out the article (scroll to the bottom to see his comment):
You may just want to it, start slow and pick partners that are willing to play at a slower pace to start…
Let us know how it goes and if you have any beginner questions for us.
Thanks- Matt
When playing with a net that has a bottom bar support. When the ball hits the top of the net and falls down and hits the bar is this a replay or is it a point for the team who hit the shot?
There was an update to the rules in 2018 (opens pdf showing changes that were made).
Here is section 11.L.5 that talks about hitting part of the portable net: in the scenario you describe,
the point should be replayed. See below:
11.L.5. Portable Net Systems – When net systems
have a horizontal bar that includes a center base:
If the ball hits the horizontal bar or the center base
before going over the net, it is a fault.
If the ball goes over the net and hits the center base or the horizontal
bar or the ball gets caught between the net and the
horizontal bar before touching the court, it is a let
and will be replayed.
how long do most people, or clubs, areas to play with 6 players per courts play; I see 3 hours; longer than tennis. If starting a place with pickleball how many hours should be allotted per time?
If you are a 3.0 player how many gold medals do you have to win to be moved to 3.5?
I did not ask it and couldn’t find it in the comments so can you just tell me how many?
Is it a fault if the return of serve lands in the NVZ?
Hi Lance,
Sorry it took so long to reply, just saw your comment now.
The return of serve can land anywhere within the serving team’s court (so yet it can land in the NVZ)
The USAPA has a nice short video here explaining the sequence of each pickleball point and what is valid.
Hope that helps.
Hi Matt,
My question is: In the official rules is there a penalty if a server does not announce the score.
Can Pickle be played on a converted platform tennis surface? Are there different ball bounces available to accommodate the metal decking versus asphalt/concrete surfaces that Pickle is normally played on?
Hi Mike,
Sorry, I have not seen people playing on a converted platform tennis surface so I’m really not sure how it would work.
There are slight differences between bounce height between the ball brands but not enough that I can see one working better than another on metal decking.
Sorry I couldn’t be of more help. Let us know if you have any success playing on the platform tennis court.
Thanks, Matt
Can u be in the kitchen already & hit the ball after it has bounced or do u have to step out of kitchen, let it bounce & then step into kitchen?
As long as the ball bounces first you can hit a shot while standing in the Kitchen. The rule is that you cannot volley (hit out of the air before bounce) while in the Non-Volley Zone (aka “Kitchen” or NVZ).
When laying out a pickleball court, how much room is needed on the sides and beyond the baselines?
Hi Jay,
Generally, it’s recommended that, at a minimum, the entire playing area, including the open space outside the court, is 30’x60’.
That would be an extra 4 feet on each side and 8 feet behind each baseline.
I’d also take into consideration if there are obstacles around the court or if you have more than one court side-side you’d want more room than that to avoid hazards/collisions.
We have more info here on setting up a home pickleball court in case that helps.
That would be 5 feet on each side, not 4 feet.
Playing indoors and a returned ball hits the area of the net,between the post and the court lines and then falls into the playing area ,is it good?If this has been asked before what was the answer?
What do you do if while playing, you discover a cracked ball? Do you replay that point?
11. E. Broken or Cracked Ball. Play continues until the end of the rally. Players may appeal to the referee to determine if a broken or cracked ball impacted the rally. If, in the judgment of the referee, a broken or cracked ball impacted the outcome of the rally, the referee will call for a replay with a replacement ball. In non-officiated sanctioned play, if the players do not agree, the rally stands as played.
John- Thanks for the useful comment
Sure bet. – Love the Sport.
I do have a question. When playing doubles does the partner of the server need to have their feet behind the baseline, like the server does? thanks
4.A.3. At the beginning of the serve, both feet must be behind the baseline and the imaginary extensions of the baseline. At the time the ball is struck, at least one foot must be on the playing surface or ground behind the baseline, and the server’s feet may not touch the playing surface in an area outside the confines of the serving area.
No restriction on the partner… just need to be on their side of the net. 4.B.7
What is the length of time for a pickle ball set? 20, 30, 60 minutes?
Hi Jim,
It depends on the style of play and pace, but I would say 20 mins is a good estimate.
Another reference: for organizing tournaments, the USAPA recommends allowing 50-minute average match time when playing best 2 of 3 games to 11 points.
Hope that helps-Matt
Is it a fault to bounce the ball off the ground with your paddle, prior to serving?
This is a tennis move some players are using prior to serving.
If you are talking about a pre-serve routine while getting ready to serve, this is allowed.
If you watch professional pickleball tournaments, a lot of the top players are former tennis players and do this.
However, the server is NOT allowed to bounce the ball and hit the serve off the bounce.
if 30 foot candles is recommended for a pickleball court is there a recommendation for a court being built at a retirement housing development of people over 60yrs old, is there a recommendation for more than 30 fc. I have been told that it should be around 60 or 70 foot candles, could you please help me with this, THANKYOU
Hi Marty,
This article might help, or you may want to contact them directly for their advice.
Hope that helps-
How high should a ball bounce and from what height?
Hi Larry,
Here are the USAPA specs on ball bounce testing.
When dropped from a height of 78 inches, the ball should bounce between 30-34 inches (76.2-86.4 cm). The test should be performed at a temp of between 75-80 degrees F (24-27 degrees C) and dropped onto a granite surface.
For more details about pickleball balls, see here:
Specifications of an Official Pickleball
Is there a special ball used for pickle ball for seniors or do they use the same either indoor or outdoor balls as everyone else?
No, there’s no special ball for seniors, just the standard indoor and outdoor pickleballs.
Hope that helps-
In a portable net system is the middle strap with the rod inside considered part of the net? I am confused about the new rules (Feb 2019) re: the horizontal bar and the center base. Is the middle strap part of this rule? Thanks.
I have been playing for over a year and loved it, but someone purchased new balls that are different and I feel like I am starting all over. The new balls are harder, faster and pop off the paddles like ping pong balls! Why can’t the sport stay with the same balls? Other sports don’t continue to make the balls harder, faster etc. I think the balls should always be the same. I understand trying to make better paddles but we shouldn’t mess with the balls!
Playing on grass is possible!! I work at Sand Valley Golf Resort in Rome WI where we have grass tennis courts. We used a special ball sold on PBCentral called Gamma Foam Quiet Ball, and it worked. Granted, it’s not the same pace as playing on a hardcourt with a “real” ball, but we had a blast!
I have a question on the following
I my opponent hits a drop shot with enough spin on it that land in the kitchen on my side and the spin carries it back over the net without me hitting it
What is the ruling?
Hey Dave, haha that is a good problem to have! At least for your friend… The ruling is that you would be allowed to reach over the net to return the ball, as long as you or your paddle does not touch the net.
If on the serve the ball is clearly not landing in the proper side of the court and is caught by or hits the opposite player (not the one being served to) is it a fault or a point?
Question – – If my team serves first for Game 1, does that mean the opposition automatically serves first for Game 2, and then returns to my team to serve first for Game 3?
After Game 1, how is the first serving team determined for 2 & 3?
We have always assumed that you rotate every game like you suggested, which is how it works in a tennis match. I never have seen this listed as an official rule though, I am curious myself now too.
Ball is served to my partner. He calls it out but returns the serve properly. I call it in. The opponents catch the ball to stop play, since they heard the out call. I called it in before they stopped play. Where does the point lie?
Hi Brian, sorry for the delay. The person who is on the side where the pickleball landed is responsible for making the call. So if that person calls it out, the game would immediately come to a halt.
Hmm, no one asked this question: In the winter in Colorado we have to play indoors quite a bit. If a Pickleball court is near a wall or other obstacle, is it legal to spin the serve into the obstacle to prevent the returner from hitting the ball?
No! In the gym we play indoors, the end court is close to a wall and all courts have a curtain close to one baseline. If a ball gets too close to these obstacles so you cannot hit it (but possibly could IF the obstacle was not there), the person just yells “Wall!” Play immediately stops and the serving side does a reserve. Happens several times per game.
If you jump in the air over the kitchen and volley/smash a ball and the ball either bounces twice or hits the opponent (hence ending the point) and then you land in the kitchen is that a fault? or your point?
Hi Steve, unfortunately, that would still be a fault!
Thank you! On serve may you bring your paddle over the top of ball as in a spin Serve! As long as I don’t carry the ball and you strike from below the Ball!
As long as you swing through the ball below the waste, you should be good! This makes it difficult to spin it though. You may want to check out the ” chainsaw serve ” as that is one way to put more spin on the ball. However, they have made this strategy illegal in a lot of leagues.
QUESTION (On going debate with a friend): Can the ball be tossed up during the serve (not a drop serve, no spin and racket under waisteline)? ,,, Thank you!
Hey Claudio, good question. According to USA Pickleball, unfortunately, you cannot toss the ball upward during the serve.
How high should windscreens be off the ground for pickleball? 1 inch or 1 foot?
On subject of replacing your paddle every year, I heard a blog interview with Ben Johns in 2022. He was asked how often he gets a new paddle. He replied “One sometimes twice per tournament.” Since he plays a tournament every weekend, that means he uses a new paddle at least every week! Sure helps when you are the GOAT and have your own named paddle by a sponsor.
Sheesh! Must be nice! I wonder where his used paddles go?
Question regarding momentum carrying you into the kitchen after a shot.
If a ball bounces in the court (and not in the kitchen) and a player is coming forward to return the ball. After the ball lands in the court and is returned, can a player’s momentum then carry him into the kitchen without this being a fault?
There was no volley return but a bounced ball return. Does the same momentum rule apply like it does in a volley return?
Hey Berry. That would still be considered a fault unfortunately!
Question: Player hits the ball over the net with enough back spin and possible wind that it hits the opponents side in the kitchen and spins back over the net to their side while the opponent did not touch the ball. Is there a point scored here and to whom?
Yes, the point would be to the person who initially hit the ball with that much backspin. However, if the opponent reached over the net and touched the ball before it hit the court, they would then get the point. Ben Johns did this not too long ago.
I think the formula 1 drivers Lando Norris & Carlos Sainz play pickleball. It’s in one of the Drive to Survive videos on Netflix. Pretty entertaining…
In the Pickler rules it says that if a ball is hIt out, then it should be called promptly. It further states that it must be called out before the “opponent” hits the ball. The question is, who are they referring to as the “opponent”? Is it the player that hits the ball after it goes out or is it the player on the other side of the court that the ball is being hit to (the individual that hit the ball out)?
I searched your site for “noise” and nothing came up. With nearby residents facing physiological and phsycological harm from courts placed near the home, why do you not address the location of courts? Not every tennis court should be subject to mixed-use. Determining the right site is a huge factor in this sport. What guidelines would you recommend for proximity of courts near homes?
hmmm, that is strange. We have two articles on this subject and they pop up for me when I type in “noise” in the search bar
If the server hits a ball beyond the base line and it hits his opponent, is the ball out or does the server get the point?
Mine is a question of ethics not so much rules. Is it considered dirty play to hit your opponents with the ball? I understand hitting the ball at people’s feet but I manage to play without hitting other people in the face or other body parts but I feel like I often get hit. Is that considered dirty play or are there suggestions for getting out of the way? Maybe I am too careful in my play but I avoid hitting it at people but I don’t feel like I get the same in return? Thoughts?
My opinion would vary case by case. But generally speaking I would say it’s frowned on. I have seen a few bodyslams in the pros, but it’s never a go to strategy and usually it’s on accident.