Live Coverage of the Carvana Mesa Arizona Cup – A PPA Tour Highlight

(Picture Kerry Pittenger)

Ben Johns and Julian Arnold are attacking each other early, it’s 5-4 Ben is on top. 

Julian Arnold has yet to win gold ever in Mesa. And surprisingly world #1 seed Ben has not made it to Championship Sunday yet this year. 

Inside out roll from Ben Johns, he is up 9-7

Ben Johns takes game 1. Game two up next. 

Andiamo! Julian Arnold Takes the Lead

Julian Arnold is currently setting the court on fire, leading a staggering 5-0 in the second game. 

The crowd can’t help but be swept up in the excitement, echoing Arnold’s battle cry, “Andiamo!”—a word that has become synonymous with his moments of peak performance.

Make that 7-1

Game 2 Recap: Julian Arnold vs. Ben Johns

In a competitive match, Julian Arnold took game 2 with a score of 11-6 against Ben Johns. Despite falling behind early at 9-2, Johns mounted a comeback, narrowing the gap as the game progressed. The match featured intense exchanges and numerous side outs, highlighted by a notable in-between-the-legs shot from Johns. However, Arnold maintained his lead and ultimately secured the win, setting the stage for a potential upset.

Game 3 Update

In Game 3, Julian Arnold encountered early errors, quickly falling behind as Ben surged to a 6-0 lead. Amidst the struggle, Arnold received a profanity warning, adding to his challenges. 

Ben Johns all smiles with a 9-0 lead and a beautiful ATP shot. 

annnnnnddd he won game 3….. 11-0 so he survived round 16. 

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